
The aspect-ratio CSS property sets a preferred aspect ratio for the box, which will be used in the calculation of auto sizes and some other layout functions.

Try it


aspect-ratio: 1 / 1;
aspect-ratio: 1;

/* Global values */
aspect-ratio: inherit;
aspect-ratio: initial;
aspect-ratio: revert;
aspect-ratio: revert-layer;
aspect-ratio: unset;



Replaced elements with an intrinsic aspect ratio use that aspect ratio, otherwise the box has no preferred aspect ratio. Size calculations involving intrinsic aspect ratio always work with the content box dimensions.


The box's preferred aspect ratio is the specified ratio of width / height. If height and the preceding slash character are omitted, height defaults to 1. Size calculations involving preferred aspect ratio work with the dimensions of the box specified by box-sizing.

Formal definition

Initial valueauto
Applies toall elements except inline boxes and internal ruby or table boxes
Computed valueas specified
Animation typediscrete

Formal syntax

aspect-ratio = 
auto ||

<ratio> =
<number [0,∞]> [ / <number [0,∞]> ]?


Examples of values for aspect-ratio

aspect-ratio: 1 / 1;
aspect-ratio: 16 / 9;
aspect-ratio: 0.5;


CSS Box Sizing Module Level 4
# aspect-ratio

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also