Warning: String.x is deprecated; use String.prototype.x instead

JavaScript の警告で、 Firefox 68 以前で使用されていた String ジェネリックに関するものです。 String ジェネリックは Firefox 68 から削除されました。


Warning: String.charAt            is deprecated; use String.prototype.charAt            instead
Warning: String.charCodeAt        is deprecated; use String.prototype.charCodeAt        instead
Warning: String.concat            is deprecated; use String.prototype.concat            instead
Warning: String.contains          is deprecated; use String.prototype.contains          instead
Warning: String.endsWith          is deprecated; use String.prototype.endsWith          instead
Warning: String.includes          is deprecated; use String.prototype.includes          instead
Warning: String.indexOf           is deprecated; use String.prototype.indexOf           instead
Warning: String.lastIndexOf       is deprecated; use String.prototype.lastIndexOf       instead
Warning: String.localeCompare     is deprecated; use String.prototype.localeCompare     instead
Warning: String.match             is deprecated; use String.prototype.match             instead
Warning: String.normalize         is deprecated; use String.prototype.normalize         instead
Warning: String.replace           is deprecated; use String.prototype.replace           instead
Warning: String.search            is deprecated; use String.prototype.search            instead
Warning: String.slice             is deprecated; use String.prototype.slice             instead
Warning: String.split             is deprecated; use String.prototype.split             instead
Warning: String.startsWith        is deprecated; use String.prototype.startsWith        instead
Warning: String.substr            is deprecated; use String.prototype.substr            instead
Warning: String.substring         is deprecated; use String.prototype.substring         instead
Warning: String.toLocaleLowerCase is deprecated; use String.prototype.toLocaleLowerCase instead
Warning: String.toLocaleUpperCase is deprecated; use String.prototype.toLocaleUpperCase instead
Warning: String.toLowerCase       is deprecated; use String.prototype.toLowerCase       instead
Warning: String.toUpperCase       is deprecated; use String.prototype.toUpperCase       instead
Warning: String.trim              is deprecated; use String.prototype.trim              instead
Warning: String.trimLeft          is deprecated; use String.prototype.trimLeft          instead
Warning: String.trimRight         is deprecated; use String.prototype.trimRight         instead


警告。 JavaScript の実行は中断されません。


標準外のジェネリック String のメソッドは非推奨であり、 Firefox 68 で削除されました。 String ジェネリックは、 String インスタンスメソッドを String オブジェクトに提供し、 String の「メソッドを任意のオブジェクトに適用できるようにします。


var num = 15;
String.replace(num, /5/, '2');


var num = 15;
String(num).replace(/5/, '2');


対応していないブラウザーで対応できるようにするための Shim です。

/*globals define*/
// Assumes all supplied String instance methods already present
// (one may use shims for these if not available)
(function() {
  'use strict';

  var i,
    // We could also build the array of methods with the following, but the
    //   getOwnPropertyNames() method is non-shimable:
    // Object.getOwnPropertyNames(String).filter(function(methodName) {
    //   return typeof String[methodName] === 'function';
    // });
    methods = [
      'contains', 'substring', 'toLowerCase', 'toUpperCase', 'charAt',
      'charCodeAt', 'indexOf', 'lastIndexOf', 'startsWith', 'endsWith',
      'trim', 'trimLeft', 'trimRight', 'toLocaleLowerCase', 'normalize',
      'toLocaleUpperCase', 'localeCompare', 'match', 'search', 'slice',
      'replace', 'split', 'substr', 'concat', 'localeCompare'
    methodCount = methods.length,
    assignStringGeneric = function(methodName) {
      var method = String.prototype[methodName];
      String[methodName] = function(arg1) {
        return method.apply(arg1, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));

  for (i = 0; i < methodCount; i++) {
