RTCIceServer: credential property

The RTCIceServer dictionary's credential property is a string providing the credential to use when connecting to the described server. This is typically a password, key, or other secret.

Note: This value is used when the RTCIceServer describes a TURN server.


const iceServer = {
  // ...
  credential: someCredential,
  // ...

const credential = iceServer.credential;

iceServer.credential = newCredential;


This example creates a new RTCPeerConnection which uses a TURN server at turnserver.example.org to negotiate connections. Logging into the TURN server uses the username "webrtc" and the creative password "turnpassword".

myPeerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection({
  iceServers: [
      urls: "turn:turnserver.example.org", // A TURN server
      username: "webrtc",
      credential: "turnpassword",


WebRTC: Real-Time Communication in Browsers
# dom-rtciceserver-credential

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also