DeviceMotionEvent: DeviceMotionEvent() constructor

The DeviceMotionEvent() constructor creates a new DeviceMotionEvent object.


new DeviceMotionEvent(type)
new DeviceMotionEvent(type, options)



A string with the name of the event. It is case-sensitive and browsers always set it to devicemotion.

options Optional

An object that, in addition of the properties defined in Event(), can have the following properties:


A DeviceMotionEventAcceleration object giving the acceleration of the device on the three axis X, Y and Z. Acceleration is expressed in m/s².


A DeviceMotionEventAcceleration object giving the acceleration of the device on the three axis X, Y and Z with the effect of gravity. Acceleration is expressed in m/s².


A DeviceMotionEventRotationRate object giving the rate of change of the device's orientation on the three orientation axis alpha, beta and gamma. Rotation rate is express in degrees per seconds.

interval Optional

A number representing the interval of time, in milliseconds, at which data is obtained from the device. It defaults to 0.

Return value

A new DeviceMotionEvent object.


DeviceOrientation Event Specification
# dom-devicemotionevent-devicemotionevent

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser